Different Symbols & Their Meanings

The ankh is the ancient Egyptian symbol of eternal life. It is the key to life. The loop at the top symbolizes the rising sun, the horizontal bar represents feminine energy, and the vertical bar indicates masculine energy. Together they combine to form a symbol of fertility and power.


The Eye of Ra is one of the most ancient magical symbols. The eye of Ra represented the sun to the Egyptians. It was often associated with the destructive power of the sun, but the Egyptians also used it to protect buildings and themselves. It was a symbol of royal authority.


The Horned God symbol is one often used in Wicca to represent the masculine energy of the God. The Horned God represents the male part of the religion's duotheistic theological system, the consort of the female Triple goddess of the Moon or other Mother goddess. In common Wiccan belief, he is associated with nature, wilderness, sexuality, hunting, and the life cycle.


The pentagram has the five point star which represent the four classical elements, along with a fifth element, which is typically either Spirit or Self. The pentagram is probably the best-known symbol of Wicca today. Typically, a pentagram is traced in the air during Wiccan rituals, and in some traditions, it is used as a designation of degree. It is also considered a symbol of protection and is used in warding in some Pagan traditions.


The Triple Moon, also sometimes called Triple Goddess symbol, represents the three phases of the moon (waxing, full, and waning). This symbol is found in many NeoPagan and Wiccan traditions as a symbol of the Goddess. The first crescent represents the waxing phase of the moon - new beginnings, new life, and rejuvenation. The center circle is symbolic of the full moon, the time when magic is at its most potent and powerful. Finally, the last crescent represents the waning moon - a time to do banishing magic and to send things away.


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