Crystals/Stones Colors Have Different Meanings



Purple stones bring calmness, meditative states, and sleep. Purple resonates to the 3rd eye, crown and higher chakras. It connects you to your spiritual self and leans to your intuition. Purple crystals are all about your spiritual energy.


Pink stones mostly brings pure love; both giving and receiving pure love from the heart. It resonates strongly to the heart center chakra, and some to the 3rd eye and crown. Pink stones can bring unconditional love and healing to the heart.


Green stones are radiant with their connotations of luck, optimism, and pure joy. They promote balance, freedom, and positive energy. Green paves the way with gold, it's a stone that welcomes exploration, spiritual growth, and deeper meaning. It also resonates in the emotional realm and are excellent for healing emotional wounds, opening the heart for love and wisdom.


Black stones can symbolize a dedication to one's spiritual practice and a denial of the falseness of the material world. Black is a color of sobriety, piety, self-sacrifice and higher purpose. Black stones are “grounding” stones relating to the root chakra. It is important to ones self that the instincts of the root chakra are well developed, grounded, and stabilized for the health and enlightenment of the entire person.


Clear stones focuses on ones spiritual meaning and healing properties. One of the main benefits is enhancing mental clarity. It can help with emotional stability, and it's popular in meditation and restorative work. It's also often used for manifestation and can help create more focus and clarity around a desire. It is used for healing, align, balance, inform, and magnify the characteristics of all chakras. It can amplify the properties of other stones as well as the energies in their immediate environment. Clear stones are most applicable to the 3rd eye, crown, and higher chakras.


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